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Types Of Crosses

There are many different types of Christian crosses worldwide, but only a handful are common in North America.

Latin Cross
Latin Cross:  One of the oldest symbols of Christianity and the most commonly used form, it is also the simplest in design. In early times, it was called god’s mark.
Greek Cross
Greek Cross:  It has four arms equal in length and is the traditional symbol of Christian faith.  The equal length drawings of the cross is pre-Christian, and in paganism, represented the four elements—earth, air, fire and water.
Calvary Cross
Calvary Cross:  A latin cross standing on three steps or blocks, it signifies faith, hope and love.  Love is sometimes replaced by charity.
Fluree/Gothic Cross
Fleuree Cross/Gothic Cross:  This flowered cross symbolizes the adult Christian by its more opened flaired out ends.
Ionic Cross
Ionic Cross:  Similar to the Celtic Cross, it’s ends flair outward. The ionic cross signifies everlasting salvation, love and glory.
Eastern Cross
Eastern Cross:  Used in Orthodox Christian Religions, this cross upper horizontal shoulder representing the inscription over the head of Jesus.  The lower slanting shoulder represents the footrest of the crucified Jesus.
Botonee Cross
Botonee Cross:  So named because of its modified trefoil (three-lobed) ends, represents the trinity .
Celtic Cross
Celtic Cross:  The circle around the crosspiece symbolizes eternity.  It’s origin can be traced to the Celtic cultures of the British Isles.

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